My Story - Jen Chastre
I am just like many of you. A mother to two healthy, quirky and unique children (Jules 18, Josie 16) who I (along with my husband) have encouraged to be strong, quirky and unique.
I am a wife of 21 years to a guy who makes me feel like “a princess”. Believe me, I don’t assume for a second that I remotely resemble “a princess” or even act like one, however, there is such a sense of inner peace that comes with the knowledge that I am special to him. It took a while to find Mr Right, but it was well worth the wait and I do believe that I chose incredibly well!
I am also a proud teacher who has spent a lot of my formative professional career in the classroom. I have been committed to inspiring young minds through music, sport and culture with the ambition of instilling curiosity, developing talents and (the most important thing of all), self-confidence. I love kids… and hope that I may be able to kick start preventative health related programs in schools one day. This may not happen in the immediate future, but it does pay to have goals doesn’t it? It’s definitely on my “bucket list”!
As a published freelance writer I get a great deal of therapeutic energy from writing. They say avid readers become avid writers. That’s definitely NOT the case with me. In contrast, I get most of my inspiration from meeting interesting people and travelling to new and interesting locations. Writing allows me to be creative, intuitive and definitely keeps me challenged. It gives me a sense of purpose and provides me with the opportunity to articulate things that I couldn’t imagine verbalising in ‘real life’…
As I sit here tapping away on my Yoga Lenovo- at a table strewn with home building projects I’m forced to reflect upon the reasons why I continue to keep this site alive
I guess that it comes down to one thing. Passion!
Wedding Day 2003
Bike riding with Chris
My Inspiration
After my mother was diagnosed with Dementia nearly 20 years ago, my ‘fortunate’ life became part of a journey that has shaped the person that I have become. I am incredibly fearful that one day I too will be struck down with this diagnosis and to live the rest of my days locked away behind the closed, secure doors of an aged care facility. This is NOT part of my plan, but I acknowledge that if/when it does happen, I will be ready. I acknowledge that Dementia/Alzheimer’s is hereditary and am willing to do what it takes to avoid it at all costs.
This portal serves as the perfect avenue for sharing my “Prevention is Better than a Cure” journey and gives my brain the love it needs in order to live a long, happy, healthy life. My journey began 12 years ago and things are looking up.
My Passion
My mum’s daily struggle with this incurable illness has sparked an incredible passion in me and is the reason why I’m motivated to create a movement towards the importance of Brain Health. We focus so much attention on the physical side of health and beauty, but so often lose sight of the importance of other health factors like mental, spiritual, hormonal, adrenal - all of which are nurtured and strengthened when the brain is prioritised.
My Motivation
I am not generally a fearful person, but I’ve come to realise that fear is actually a positive motivator and a driving force behind my passion for Brain Health. I’ve seen first-hand what an ‘unhealthy’ brain does to your mind, body and spirit! There’s so much to be gained from growing older and I don’t want to miss a second of it.
My Vision
I may not be the strongest, the funniest, the smartest, or the most intelligent person I know, but I do believe that I could possibly be the most passionate of people. I have a passion to live a long, healthy, loving, adventurous life surrounded by family and friends who love me unconditionally. It’s something that we all deserve and something that we need to strive to achieve.
I hope my journey serves as an inspiration for you to join me in this journey toward optimal Brain Health. You deserve it, our brains deserve it and I have no doubt that our future selves will thank us for it
"Our hearts are warm and our brains really are beautiful."